Bic Mark It!

One of the reason's I wanted a scrapbooking blog is so I could share what I thought of new (or new to me) products. So here is my first review; Bic Mark It! permanent markers.

I've been looking for these markers since I saw them in the December CK. I had no idea who made them, but they were cute and cute pens are absolutely essential for scrapbooking. So I got an email from melonscraps that they were on the board and Staples had them online for $15.99 w/free shipping. Since I need more transparencies to finish my Christmas cards anyway, I rushed to Staples last night and picked up one for each of us.

(If you're not interested in knowing what a ditz I am, you can skip this paragraph) So at Staples the 36-pk set is $19.99, so I call melonscraps to confirm the online price, while she's looking it up, I proceed to the presentation isle to get more transparencies. That's where she told me the online price was still $15.99, but they should price match. As I was picking up the transparencies she said, "Could you pick me one up too?" I said sure and my phone died. Confident I could handle this simple request; I put another pack of transparencies in my cart. I cashed out, walked outside and thought, "Why does she want transparencies?" Then it hit me, she wanted the markers. I'm such a ding-dong.

So I get the markers home and playtime begins. I wrote out each color on a scrap transparency and was delighted that it dries so fast that there is practically no time to smear. And if you boo-boo, you can remove it with Staz On cleaner! The colors are amazing. The lightest ones didn't show up on the transparencies, but they do on white paper. I also tested them on photos and they wrote very smoothly. They are not opaque, so you have to write on a fairly light colored area of the photo. They come in a fairly durable tri-fold case, which is a good thing because they take up over half of my pen holder (largely because the caps have a shirt clip) After about an hour and half of playing with them, I love 'em! I don't usually use markers in my scrapping, but maybe these will open up new techniques and design for me!


  1. Erica Hettwer said...
    Oooooh! Those are cool! I wonder if I can talk DH into getting those for my stocking!! (I'm getting a canopy for the truck for my Christmas gift) I saw them in the mag too and thought how cute! But, I didn't work very hard to find them! Thanks for doing the legwork! ;D


    Oh, yeah. You've been tagged! Check out my blog to find out more!
    Samantha said...
    Thanks for visiting my blog! I feel a little better now having only spent $55 at the post office versus $450. Ouch!

    I really, really *need* those pens. You say they have them at Staples? I must get them, but not today - too rainy.
    Marilyn said...
    Laura, you are tagged! Post 7 random facts about yourself. Come on girl, don't be shy. You have a lot of things you can share, everyone else is doing it, come on, you know you want to!!

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