How do you organize your chipboard stuff? is a post on the CKMB. Since I've been though several and have now developed which for me, is a great system I wanted to share. Sadly, the board did not want me to share. Since it wouldn't let me post my pics, I thought this would make a great follow up to my Re-org post anyway, so here it is:

I found these neat little hinged tins at Specialty Bottle Company. They are 5.5" x 3.7" x .9". The hinged lids also have clear window so you can what's inside. If you're like me and you lose everything, even when your just sitting at a table cropping, hinged lids are good! (I really do lose everything, when I started cropping with other people, I really had to resist the urge every fifteen minutes to ask, "Did you take my Tweezer Bees?" "Is that my trimmer?" "Are you hiding my pictures? I know my niece is cute, but just because you scrapbooker her, doesn't make her yours!" But I do resist the urge which is a good thing, because never, ever has anyone ever taken my things intentionally or accidentally. Apparently the chaos ends my table.) Oh yeah, back on topic, even with shipping, these tins were less than a dollar!

So I use one tin for each letter, X and Z share one tin, one for punctuation, one for 1-5, another for 6-9 and 0 (The number breakout seems odd, but it's the only way I could get 6 and 9 in the same tin, which is important, because they are the same shape.) I also keep other small chipboard and ghost shapes in these tins by shape or theme.

All of my alpha, nums and punctuation tins fit into two of these neat little wire basket from Target's Dollar Spot. I use a third basket for letters too big for the tins.

The three baskets sit in a pretty little row, the letters withing, patiently waiting for a layout of their own.

The entire Alphabet will fit into one of the large Snap 'n Stack Organizers (I got mine on clearance after Christmas, but they have them for full price with a different color lid at both Target and JoAnn's)


  1. Marilyn said...
    How ingenious! I love it, it is usable, practical, and nice to look at! Makes me want to get some!
    Scrappy Girl said...
    Great ideas! Thanks for sharing!
    noel joy said...
    i think this is such a great idea!!! it looks so pretty... i needed a good idea for these. thanks so much!
    Kay said...
    I like that you can see what is in it through the window. That way you don't have to label the tins. One less step! I'm using VHS tape holders that I found at IKEA. Not quite as pretty but it fits my really big CB peices too. I'm thinkin' these would work really well for storing flowers though too. Hmmmmm...
    Christina Carnoy said...
    I just wanted to say you were right all along, google reader is so wonderful! Now I can finally read blogs at work without it being blocked!!!! Thanks so much for the awesome tip!

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A Couple of my Layouts...