A new PSA

I usually keep it pretty scrappy around here, but I thought everyone might benefit from knowing that apparently, there some kind of difference between the Green Lantern and the Green Goblin.

I was watching TV with DS#1 (13 years old) .

DS:"He from Spiderman?"

Me: "Yeah, he's Peter's friend. You know the one who's dad is the Green Lantern."

(There are not enough exclamation's marks in the world to convey the utter disbelief and horror when he turned to me)
DS: "You mean the GREEN GOBLIN!" The Green Lantern is a superhero and the Green Goblin is a villain, for gosh sakes!!!!!"

He gave me know credit for recognizing the actor from Spiderman, or knowing his dad was the Green Whatever, or that Spidey's real name is Peter! I thought I was doing pretty well.

I swear to you that is verbatim what he said to me, right down to the "gosh sakes" which made me burst into laughter.

And one more thing, but you have to promise not to tell DS#1. When I was looking for pics for this article, I actually googled the Green Hornet by mistake. I mean, how many Green superheros and villains does the world need?!


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