Goodbye July

Here is the Wordle of the 921 words I blogged in July. I must talk about getting things a lot! Hmm...921 words in the entire month? That's only 29 words a day; I'll have to work on that

Did you enjoy my color scheme? I "borrowed" it from kwernerdesign blog's Color Inspiration #16 . I haven't actually participated in one of her weekly challenges yet, but the challenges sure inspire me anyway!

Oh yeah, I just ran my blog though the Blog Readability Test and this is what I got:
blog readability test Hmmm...common practice is to write at a 6th grade level, so should I aim more for Middles School? And, if I not writing to a 6th grade level and my blog reads at a high school level, does that mean those five years in college were a waste?


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A Couple of my Layouts...