melonscraps tagged me, now I'm rethinking that new years resolution to stop mis-typing her name as melsoncraps. Here's my answers

1. Where is your cell phone? on the charger
2. Where is your significant other? gee, I'd like to know, let me know if you see him
3. Your hair color? Dark, dark brown with tiny strands of almost colorless blond. Yes they're blond!
4. Your mother? generous, not just materially
5. Your father? well, since I'm his princess, he must be a King!
6. Your favorite thing? seeing other people smile
7.Your dream last night? I'm not sure I dreamed last night
8. Your dream/goal? for all my nieces and nephews grow up to be happy, stable and content.
9. The room you're in? office
10. Your hobby? Scrapbooking
11. Your fear? there's not enough's a couple the more odd ones...I terrified to look out windows when I hear noises outside; sometimes I wonder if I'm really profoundly retarded and others are only praising me because I'm doing awesome for a 'special' person and sometimes, when I'm in a large crowd, I have a flashing thought that someone is trying to read my mind? I'm not really crazy or paranoid. Now you have to decide if that means I'm not actually crazy or that I'm not very crazy!
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Living a life of leisure on my lottery winnings
13. Where were you last night? My Mom and Dad's
14.. What you're not? Perfect. I mean, like Mary Poppins, I am "Practically perfect in every way", but I'm not totally, completely perfect. I'm also not a good speller. That actually probably what keeps me from being completely perfect.
15. One of your wish list items? New furniture
16. Where you grew up? Here (Washington/Oregon), There (New Mexico) and Everywhere (Japan and Germany)
17. The last thing you did? Agree to answer this tag.
18. What are you wearing? None of your business perv!
19. Your TV? Is it my TV, or am I the TV's person?
20. Your pet? 1 atypical laid back border collie, 1 tiny grey princess kitty, 1 pointy-eared lion who afraid of plastic bags (he's actually a snowshoe cat, but he doesn't think so) and two human boys.
21. Your computer? I don't have a computer, I'm writing this all on notebook paper, then I'm going to go outside and throw it so hard into the sky that it will reach CyberSpace.
22. Your mood? I can't type that fast, I'll never finish this if I have to keep up with my moods.
23. Missing someone? My wayward brother and his family
24. Your car? Her name is Buggy and she's a Kooky Suzuki
25. Something you're not wearing? a sombrero
26. Favorite store? the LSS, PZ, Target, IKEA
27. Your summer? Is it just mine, because if it is, all those kids I saw on the news running though the fountain owe me royalties!
28. Love someone? Bobby, Jason, Chris, Felicia, Brooke, Rose, Ed, Eddie, Michelle, Lisa, Marilyn, Freddie, Nicky, Lilly, the Man Upstairs
29. Your favorite color? Pink
30. When is the last time you laughed? Well that last time I laughed so hard I alsomst peed my pants was when I saw this video WARNING: Do not watch this with the kids in the room. It's a commercial for a language school.

31. Last time you cried? My birthday, it just so hard to turn 22. (again)
32. Who you want to Tag? Kay, and I hope she doesn't revoke my title of "Smartest scrapper ever!!!"


1 Comment:

  1. Marilyn said...
    Great answers! However, they were supposed to be one word answers! Oh well, I guess you will have to redo it and specify why you are redoing! CHEATER!!! lol

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